Snowbasin Resort extends complimentary skiing/snowboarding privileges to reporters and photographers on assignment and to journalists who utilize Snowbasin’s press information for guaranteed publication or media exposure in targeted publications.
To arrange for complimentary skiing/snowboarding privileges at Snowbasin Resort, please contact Snowbasin's PR & Communications Coordinator, Kate Indart. Please note, your e-mail must be received at least 48 hours prior to your arrival. Snowbasin does not provide complimentary media tickets during holiday periods.
We Require:
- Purpose of your visit
- Media affiliation
- Description of the story you are working on and the targeted media outlet
- Letter of assignment from editor of targeted media outlet
- Estimated date and time of your arrival
You may pick up your lift pass at any ticket window. Photo identification required.
Complimentary lift passes will be issued to writers on assignment, on-air radio and TV announcers on assignment, editors directly responsible for publishing Snowbasin Resort coverage and photographers on assignment.
Sorry, children, spouses and other guests are not included.
Complimentary lift passes cannot be issued to other media personnel such as advertising or sales representatives, photographers and engineers not on assignment, as well as all other support staff.
Complimentary lift passes will only be issued to freelance photographers or writers on direct assignment from a specific publication. A 48-hour advance notice, in writing, is required from the publication to verify the assignment.
Should you have follow-up questions or if you need further materials for your project, we’re always glad to help.
Finally, we hope that you’ll let us know when your Snowbasin-related project runs and supply us with a copy.
Snowbasin Resort does not own lodging. Therefore, while every attempt will be made to provide complimentary lodging for media guests meeting the above requirements whose assignments require an overnight stay, it is not guaranteed. Arrangements for lodging accommodations must be made at least two weeks in advance as lodging space is limited.
Filming and Photography
Filming and photo shoots require additional approvals and may require Forest Service permits and proof of insurance. Please contact us at least three weeks in advance.
For safety reasons, recreational drone use by any guest or member of the public, for any reason, is not permitted on or over any of our property. Likewise, commercial use is also prohibited on Snowbasin Resort property, except in limited circumstances when an approved operator has obtained an FAA exemption and received written permission from the resort. This includes use associated with special events, marketing and in film/photo applications.